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Sapporo Marathon 2020 by TATTA and Sapporo Cheering RUN

In expectation of running the Sapporo Marathon 2021, we are glad to announce the online Sapporo Marathon 2020 and Sapporo Cheering RUN! They will be held as a substitute for the 45th annual Sapporo Marathon which has been canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic. You can run the half marathon or 10 km from anywhere by using GPS App on your smartphone during a specific period of time. We are looking forward to your participation!


Sapporo Marathon 2020 by TATTA

Event period: 2020 October 7 – 13
 1.Half marathon (up to 4,000 runners)

Participants may run the distance of half marathon at one time during the event period

 2.Fun Pair (up to 500 pairs or 1,000 runners)

Participants may run the distance of 10 km in total during the event period


Sapporo Cheering RUN

As a prelude to the marathon in October, several running events will be held with the corporation of professional sports teams and companies from July to September. In July, Hokkaido Consadole Sapporo and Ishiya Co. will tie-in and give gifts to participants who run the whole distance.

Event period: 2020 July 15 – 28, registration stars on July 8

Distance: Half marathon (up to 500 runners)

Participants may run the half marathon in total during the event period


For more details please refer to the official website

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